Books discussed in the
Philosophy Discussion Group of
Books on the Square (a bookstore in Providence, Rhode Island):

Month Title Author
Sep-98 The Way of Zen Alan Watts
Oct-98 Ecce Homo Friedrich Nietzsche
Nov-98 The Death of Common Sense:
How Law is Suffocating America
Philip Howard
Dec-98 At A Century’s Ending:
Reflections 1982-1995
George Kennan
Jan-99 Meaning in the Visual Arts Erwin Panofsky
Feb-99 Zen in the Art of Archery Eugen Herrigel
Mar-99 “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” Richard Feynman
Apr-99 The Wisdom of Insecurity Alan Watts
May-99 Leonardo da Vinci Kenneth Clark
Jun-99 Answer to Job Carl Jung
Jul-99 The Narrow Road to the Deep North Basho
Aug-99 My Confession Tolstoy
Sep-99 Late Antiquity Peter Brown
Oct-99 The Joke Milan Kundera
Nov-99 Essays and Aphorisms Arthur Schopenhauer
Dec-99 The Trial Franz Kafka
Jan-00 The Art of the Novel Milan Kundera
Feb-00 On Death and Dying Kubler-Ross
Mar-00 Classic Art Heinrich Wolfflin
Apr-00 Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore
May-00 Zen Flesh, Zen Bones:
A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings
Paul Reps
Jun-00 The Days of Henry Thoreau Walter Harding
Jul-00 Othello William Shakespeare
Aug-00 The Book Alan Watts
Sep-00 Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera
Oct-00 Man and His Symbols C. G. Jung, etc.
Nov-00 Robert E. Lee on Leadership H. W. Crocker
Dec-00 Leaves of Grass
(original edition of 1855, Penguin Classics)
Walt Whitman
Jan-01 The Year 1000:
What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium
Robert Lacey
and Danny Danziger
Feb-01 The Idiot, 1st half F. Dostoyevsky
Mar-01 The Idiot, 2nd half F. Dostoyevsky
Apr-01 The World’s Religions Huston Smith
May-01 Civilization and Its Discontents Sigmund Freud
Jul-01 Changes in the Land:
Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England
William Cronon
Sep-01 Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
Nov-01 Myths To Live By Joseph Campbell
Dec-01 The Essential Rumi Rumi
Jan-02 Sophie’s World:
A Novel About the History of Philosophy (1st half)
Jostein Gaarder
Feb-02 Sophie’s World:
A Novel About the History of Philosophy (2nd half)
Jostein Gaarder
Apr-02 Three Essays on StyleErwin Panofsky
May-02 The Darkening Glass:
A Portrait of Ruskin’s Genius
John D. Rosenberg
Jun-02 Cape CodHenry Thoreau
Jul-02 The Wild DuckHenrik Ibsen
Aug-02 The Way of ZenAlan Watts
Oct-02 The Power of MythJoseph Campbell
Nov-02 Beowulfauthor unknown
translated by
Seamus Heaney
Jan-03 HiawathaHenry W. Longfellow
Feb-03 The Grail LegendEmma Jung and
Marie-Louise von Franz
Mar-03 HamletWilliam Shakespeare
Apr-03 As A Man ThinkethJames Allen
May-03 On LibertyJohn Stuart Mill
Jul-03 The Book of Laughter and ForgettingMilan Kundera
Aug-03 Memories, Dreams, ReflectionsC. G. Jung
Sep-03 The Turn of the ScrewHenry James
Oct-03 The Nigger of the “Narcissus”Joseph Conrad
Nov-03 The Twilight of the IdolsFriedrich Nietzsche
Dec-03 Emerson: The Mind on FireRobert Richardson
Jan-04 FrankensteinMary Shelley
Mar-04 MacbethWilliam Shakespeare
Apr-04 From the Life and Work of C. G. JungAniela Jaffé
Jun-04 WaldenHenry Thoreau
Jul-04 Howards EndE. M. Forster
Sep-04 The Dancing Wu Li Masters:
An Overview of the New Physics
Gary Zukav
Oct-04 The Sound and the FuryWilliam Faulkner
Dec-04 The Interpretation of Fairy TalesMarie-Louise von Franz
Jan-05 Look Homeward, AngelThomas Wolfe
Feb-05 Zen in the Art of ArcheryEugen Herrigel
Mar-05 The Great Chain of Being:
A Study of the History of an Idea
Arthur Lovejoy
May-05 Heart of DarknessJoseph Conrad
Jun-05 The Man Who Was ShakespeareCharlton Ogburn
Jul-05 Exploring the Interior:
Essays on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
we compiled this book ourselves
Sep-05 Essays and AphorismsArthur Schopenhauer
Nov-05 The Monument: Shakespeare’s Sonnets
by Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (90-page abridged version)
Hank Whittemore
Hank delivered a lecture about his work
Dec-05 SonnetsWilliam Shakespeare
Jan-06 “On the Uses of a Liberal Education”
(a 13-page essay)
Mark Edmundson
Mar-06 "On Leo Strauss" Milton Himmelfarb
Apr-06 Psychology and the EastCarl Jung
Jun-06 The Conscious Universe:
The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Dean Radin
Aug-06 A Passage to IndiaE. M. Forster
Sept-06 The Wisdom of InsecurityAlan Watts
Nov-06 Swann’s WayMarcel Proust
Jan-07 A Little History of the WorldE. H. Gombrich
Feb-07 Blink: The Power of Thinking Without ThinkingMalcolm Gladwell
Apr-07 Emperor and GalileanHenrik Ibsen
Jun-07 Ibsen and Hitler:
The Playwright, the Plagiarist, and the Plot for the Third Reich
Steven F. Sage
Sep-07 The Heart of Understanding:
Commentaries on the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
Thich Nhat Hanh
Nov-07 Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain