Trustom Pond
South Kingstown, Rhode Island

Trustom Pond is a National Wildlife Refuge, and a popular spot with bird-watchers (more info here). The trails are pleasant, flat, and smooth, a mix of field and forest. The trails end at two points with views of the pond, and both points have viewing platforms. If you’re fond of ducks, Trustom is for you.

The ocean is just beyond the pond, but you can’t reach it from the refuge, so the map below shows how you can drive to the ocean (via Moonstone Beach Road). Once you reach the ocean, you’ll be looking out at Block Island. The beach here is very rocky. Were rocks brought in to stem erosion? I noticed similar piles of rocks at Horseneck Beach in Massachusetts. At Blue Shutters Beach, about 4 miles west of Trustom, there are few rocks.

Ken Weber’s Walks and Rambles in Rhode Island has a section on Trustom.